Exhibitions 2018 |
Website address |
Dates |
Venue |
LACA Main Event 2018 |
www.laca.co.uk/events |
11-13 July |
Hilton Birmingham Metropole |
LACA - 2018 Educations Catering Exhibition |
www.laca.co.uk/events |
11-13 July |
Hilton Birmingham Metropole |
Manchester Furniture Show |
www.manchesterfurnitureshow.com |
15-17 July |
Manchester Central, Manchester |
Home & Gift |
www.homeandgift.co.uk |
15-18 July |
Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate |
Great British Beer Festival |
www.gbbf.org.uk |
7-11 August |
Olympia, London |
Speciality & Fine Food Fair |
www.specialityandfinefoodfairs.co.uk |
2-4 September |
Olympia, London |
Autumn Fair |
www.autumnfair.com |
2-5 September |
NEC, Birmingham |
Food, Retail & Hospitality Ireland |
www.foodhospitality.ie |
5 September |
Citywest, Dublin |
Top Drawer |
www.topdrawer.co.uk |
9-11 September |
Olympia, London |
Plasa |
www.plasashow.com |
16-18 September |
Olympia, London |
Decorex |
www.decorex.com |
16-19 September |
Syon Park |
Universal Cookery & Food Festival |
www.cookeryandfoodfestival.co.uk |
18 September |
Westlands Nurseries, Evesham |
The Bed Show |
www.bedshow.co.uk |
18-19 September |
International Centre, Telford |
SquareMeal Venues + Events Live |
www.venuesandevents.co.uk |
19-20 September |
Old Billingsgate, London |
lunch! |
www.lunchshow.co.uk |
20-21 September |
ExCeL, London |
Restaurant & Takeaway Innovation Expo |
www.takeawayexpo.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
Hotel & Spa Tech Live |
www.hoteltechlive.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
Restaurant & Bar Tech Live |
www.restauranttechlive.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
HFM Expo 2018 |
www.hfmexpo.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
Restaurant & Bar Design |
www.restaurantdesignshow.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
Coffee Shop Innovation Expo |
www.coffeeshopexpo.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
Street Food Live |
www.streetfoodlive.co.uk |
25-26 September |
ExCeL, London |
The Restaurant Show |
www.therestaurantshow.co.uk |
1-3 October |
Olympia, London |
Welcome Italia |
www.welcome-italia.co.uk/en |
5-7 October |
Olympia, London |
The Annual Hotel Conference |
www.theahc.co.uk |
10-11 October |
Hilton Manchester Deansgate Hotel |
Independent Hotel Show |
www.independenthotelshow.co.uk |
16-17 October |
Olympia, London |
Caffe Culture |
www.caffecultureshow.com |
16-17 October |
Business Design Centre, London |
Destination Hotel Resort & Spa Expo |
www.destinationhotelexpo.co.uk |
7-8 November |
NEC Birmingham |
Vendex North |
www.vend-ex.com/vendex-north-2018 |
13 November |
Manchester |
European Pizza & Pasta Show |
www.pizzapastashow.com |
13-15 November |
Olympia, London |
Food Matters Live |
www.foodmatterslive.com |
20-22 November |
ExCeL, London |
Sleep + Eat |
www.thesleepevent.com |
20-21 November |
The Business Design Centre, London |
Exhibitions 2019 |
January Furniture Show |
www.januaryfurnitureshow.com |
20-23 January |
NEC, Birmingham |
Table |
www.tablelondon.com |
13-15 January |
Olympia London, Pillar Hall |
Giving & Living trade show |
givingliving.co.uk |
13-16 January |
Westpoint Exhibition Centre, Exeter |
Scotland's Speciality Food Show |
www.scotlandsspecialityfoodshow.com |
20-22 January |
SECC, Glasgow |
The Professional Kitchen Show |
www.professionalkitcehnshow.co.uk |
22-23 January |
NEC, Birmingham |
The Foodservice Show |
www.foodserviceshow.co.uk |
22-23 January |
NEC, Birmingham |
Spring Fair |
www.springfair.com |
3-7 February |
NEC, Birmingham |
ICE London |
www.icelondon.uk.com |
5-7 February |
ExCeL, London |
Pub19 |
www.thepubshow.co.uk |
5-6 February |
Olympia, London |
The Source trade show |
thesourcetradeshow.co.uk |
6-7 February |
Westpoint Exhibition Centre, Exeter |
Travel Technology Europe |
www.traveltechnologyeurope.com |
20-21 February |
Olympia, London |
Craft Beer Rising |
www.craftbeerrising.co.uk |
Casual Dining |
www.casualdiningshow.co.uk |
27-28 February |
ExCeL, London |
International Confex |
www.international-confex.com |
26-27 February |
Just V Show |
www.justvshow.co.uk/scotland |
2-3 March |
SEC Glasgow |
Fine Food Show North |
www.gff.co.uk/shows/ffsn |
10-11 March |
Expowest Cornwall |
expowestcornwall.co.uk |
5-7 March |
Royal Cornwall Showground, Cornwall |
ScotHot |
www.scothot.co.uk |
13-14 March |
SEC Glasgow |
International Food & Drink Event |
www.ife.com |
17-20 March |
ExCeL, London |
Pro2Pac |
www.pro2pac.co.uk |
18-20 March |
ExCeL, London |
Northern Restaurant & Bar |
www.northernrestaurantandbar.co.uk |
19-20 March |
Manchester Central |
Vendex Midlands 2019 |
www.vend-ex.com/vendex-midlands-2019 |
9 April |
National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham |
Internet Retailing Expo |
www.internetretailingexpo.com |
3-4 April |
NEC, Birmingham |
Natural & Organic Products Europe |
www.naturalproducts.co.uk |
7-8 April |
ExCeL, London |
National Convenience Show |
www.nationalconvenienceshow.co.uk |
8-10 April |
NEC, Birmingham |
Farm Shop & Deli Show |
www.farmshopanddelishow.co.uk |
8-10 April |
NEC, Birmingham |
The Ingredients Show |
www.theingredientsshow.co.uk |
8-10 April |
NEC, Birmingham |
Conference & Hospitality Show |
www.chs18.co.uk |
30 April |
First Direct Arena, Leeds |
Boutique Lifestyle Hotel Summit |
www.boutiquehotelsummit.com |
TBC London |
Retail Business Technology Expo |
www.retailbusinesstechnologyexpo.com |
1-2 May |
Olympia, London |
Retail Digital Signage Expo |
www.retaildigitalsignageexpo.com |
1-2 May |
Olympia, London |
Retail Design Expo |
www.retaildesignexpo.com |
1-2 May |
Olympia, London |
The Food & Drink Trade Show |
thefoodanddrinktradeshow.co.uk |
1-2 May |
Three Counties Showground, Malvern |
Pulse |
www.pulse-london.com |
12-14 May |
Olympia, London |
London Wine Fair |
www.londonwinefair.com |
20-22 May |
Olympia, London |
European Coffee Expo |
www.europeancoffeeexpo.com |
21-22 May |
Olympia, London |
Bellavita |
www.bellavita.com |
June |
Business Design Centre, London |
Commercial Kitchen |
www.commercialkitchenshow.co.uk |
4-5 June |
NEC, Birmingham |
Bevexpo |
www.bebexpo.com |
26-26 June |
Ricoh Arena, Coventry |
The Meetings Show |
www.themeetingsshow.com |
26-27 June |
Olympia, London |
Imbibe Live |
www.imbibe.com/live |
1-2 July |
Olympia, London |
Just V Show - London |
www.justvshow.co.uk |
July |
Olympia, London |
The Allergy + Free from Show |
www.allergyshow.co.uk |
July |
Olympia, London |
Exhibitions 2020 |
www.hrc.co.uk |
2-4 March |
ExCeL, London |
www.ifexexhibition.co.uk |
24-26 March |
Titanic Exhibition Centre, Belfast |
Food & Drink Expo |
www.foodanddrinkexpo.co.uk |
30 March - 1 April |
NEC, Birmingham |
Foodex |
www.foodex.co.uk |
30 March - 1 April
NEC, Birmingham |
Events 2018 |
The Great British Beer Festival - CAMRA |
https://www.gbbf.org.uk |
7-11 August |
Olympia, London |