Britten's info is a comprehensive data and news service covering the UK hospitality industry
Association of Licensed Trade Accountants
Name Association of Licensed Trade Accountants
Address c/o NRS Accountants
Unit 7 Ball Mill Top
Town Hallow
County Worcester
Country United Kingdom
Post code WR2 6LS
About New national organisation set up to help British pubs, by providing an accreditation scheme for accountants to help licensees choose a reputable and experienced pub accountant. The association is subscription-based and requires pub accountants to pay an annual fee of between £48 and £120 for membership. The accountants need to produce evidence of their client list, professional experience in the pub sector and provide two or more business references. There are a range of membership levels depending on experience. Stocktakers, book-keepers, solicitors, finance brokers, surveyors and insolvency practitioners can also sign up at entry level.
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