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Pubs of Ulster
Name Pubs of Ulster
Address 91 University Street
Town Belfast
Country United Kingdom
Post code BT7 1HP
Tel number (028) 9032 7578
Fax number (028) 9050 1604
About Founded in 1872 Pubs of Ulster is the professional body of the Retail Licensed Trade in Northern Ireland, with members drawn from pubs, bars, café-bars, hotels and restaurants. We have a simple remit: To protect the integrity and sustainability of our industries unique social and cultural heritage. Our mission is to anticipate change that affects our industry; to listen to the concerns and needs of our members; to respond to these concerns and needs in an effective way; and to protect the future prosperity and sustainability of our members’ businesses. We provide a range of services to our members aimed at supporting the commercial needs of their business, raising industry standards and representing the industry through engagement with Industry Suppliers, Government and other key stakeholders, namely: Representation and Advocacy Pubs of Ulster is the only voice providing an effective advocacy for the Retail Licensed Trade with Industry Suppliers and Government (Westminster, NI Assembly & Local), promoting the Licensed Trade's character, nature, socially responsible role and its significant economic value to the Northern Ireland economy. We also provide members with direct and local representation via county and district associations. We have worked hard to ensure the Liquor Licensing Review did not remove the surrender principle and make alcohol available on every street corner and won. However with the Minister stating that it would be retained “at this time” there is still a need to remain focused on this important issue and on the rollout of the Minister's other reforms in the coming years. Pubs of Ulster is also at the forefront in promoting the Responsible Retailing of Alcohol. We recognise that in addition to the legal requirements that come with a Liquor Licence there is a moral responsibility to ensure that alcohol is sold and consumed in a responsible manner. Click here to to access the Industry Representation section of this website. Members Support Pubs of Ulster provides members with an extensive range of tools, support and resources to ensure the sustainability of their businesses and Ulster’s unique social and cultural heritage. Members can access FREE guidance on legal issues and insurance, download business support material, view staff training programmes and print risk assessment templates amongst a wealth of other resources. Click here to to access the Members Support section of this website. Membership – Who and Why? Pubs of Ulster membership is open to pubs, bars, café-bars, hotels and restaurants. Membership is also available to persons, organisations and suppliers operating in, or associated with the retail licensed trade. Student membership is available to students working in or studying to enter the hospitality industry. Chairman - Mark Stewart Chief Executive - Colin Neill Support Services Manager - Joel Neill
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